
Arrival by public transport

Free bus ticket from Brig to Gondo and back

Gondo is easily accessible by public transportBrig can be reached by train (from Zurich or Basel in about 2 hours, from Bern in about 1 hour). A bus (PostBus) runs from Brig over the pass to Gondo. On Saturday morning we offer an extra bus from Brig (departure at 6.00 am at the train station) and Ried-Brig (at 6.10 am) to Gondo. This can be booked at the time of registration. Ried-Brig can also be reached by PostBus.

For runners and companions arriving by public transport, PostAuto Valais will provide us with free tickets for the bus route between Brig, Ried-Brig and Gondo. These can be ordered at registration (valid on the competition weekend from Friday to Monday).

On Friday evening, when there are no more buses over the pass, you can take the train from Brig to Iselle (Italy) and from there the bus to Gondo.

Train and Postbus timetable

Arrival by car

Over the Simplon Pass to Gondo

A well-maintained road leads from Brig over the Simplon Pass (2005 m above sea level) to Gondo. There are parking spaces for runners and spectators in Gondo and Ried-Brig.